Minggu, 27 November 2011

Siapakah calon klien hotspot kita ??? .....

Alhamdulillah ..... suatu nikmat yg luar biasa yg diberikan gusti alloh pada paidjo : masih bisa menghirup udara segar di pergantian tahun baru hijriah ini ... mudah2 tahun ini kita semua makin menemukan jalan dan kita di-beri kemudahan untuk bisa melewati jalan itu dan menikmatinya di sepanjang perjalanan kita tsb ....

Ok .... kembali ke menulis ......
disini paidjo hanya memberi sebuah semangat .... agar teman2 paidjo diluar sana makin terpacu semangatnya untuk terjun di dunia beginian RTRW-net
Konsep cara menikmati internet dgn cara gotong-royong ini .... adalah konsep yg sudah lama di gembor2-kan kang Onno W Purbo yg kemudian sempat marak luar biasa menggiurkan ....
Dari situlah kemudian berembang dan berkembang .... hingga kini dimana ketika gotong-royong yg mulai memudar itu berubah jadi makin itung2-an antara untung dan rugi yg klien ributkan ... maka konsep profesional akan makin tampak dan menjadi lahan bisnis spt skrng ini ..... dimana konsep-pun berubah ... dari sekedar iuran gotong royong menjadi jual beli .... maka hotspotpun berubah menjadi sebuah ISP kelas ndeso ... yg menyediakan koneksi internet pd sebuah area lingkungan kecil dgn jumlah masyarakat pengguna yg cukup memenuhi syarat dlm hal jumlah-nya ...

Lalu .... bagaimana peluang-nya sekarang ....?????
tidak dulu tidak sekarang tidak nanti .... peluangnya ttp sama .... 
jika dulu tarif sebuah langganan hotspot-internet itu bisa mencapai 250rb (untuk ukuran kota kecil itu sdh sangat mahal) .... yg artinya ada margin laba yg menggiurkan ... menurut paidjo enggak juga .... dulu BW sangat mahal .... alat wifi sangat mahal .... mencari klien lbh sulit krn kebutuhan internet jg blm begitu tinggi ..... dan yg mengidap "penyakit masyarakat wifi" juga banyak ... dan itu jika di jumlahkan keseluruhan ketemunya juga sama saja dgn keadaan sekarang ....
sedangkan keadaan sekarang .... tarif hotspot-internet jadi terjun bebas .... margin laba menyusut ... namun disisi lain ... kebutuhan internet makin tinggi ... cari klien lebih mudah drpd jaman dulu ... alat wifi murah (estimasinya kl dulu hrg miniPCI compex 30db rp1.6jt-an (nasi pecel masih 1000-an) ... sedangkan sekarang cuman rp750rb-an (nasi pecel 2500-an) .... jika di hitung dari nilai nasi pecel akan ketemu sebuah perbandingan yg sangat drastis turun-nya .... yaitu 1600-bungkus nasi pecel vs 300-bungkus nasi pecel .... artinya 16/3 ....
jadi modal jg di keluarkan jaman dulu 5x lebih besar dibanding sekarang .... itu jika dihitung kurs nasi pecel bukan ngitung duit dlm angka2 ... (maklum paidjo wong ndeso ngitung-e nasi pecel ... xixixixi)

to the point .... bagaimana kita bisa mengukur berapa besar kemungkinan klien kita ...
gambar diatas adalah contoh-nya .... kita akan tahu setelah system hotspot itu dibangun .... dan berjalan sekian kurun waktu ....
kl kita lihat gmbr diatas adalah data yg paidjo ambil dr lingkungan paidjo .... dari sekian link dan repeater ... ada sejumlah 153 alat ber wifi yg telah berusaha connect ke jaringan hotspot paidjo (exp kita seting pd = 90d :00:00:00 / 3bulan .... jika disitu kita liat yg paling tua menunjuk-kan 70d , artinya dalam kurun waktu 20hari sejak system hotspot di on-kan terjaring 153 item alat yg berusaha connect) ..... 
dan yg seperti itu tidak terjadi di jaman dulu ....
dimana orng msh jarang punya laptop .... jarang ada orng yg nekat pengadaan alat wifi dgn antena yg cukup tinggi ... dll ... dll ... dll .... 
monggo deeehhh ..... di resap-i lagi ....
lebih semangat lagi .... lebih inovasi lagi ... lebih kreatif lagi ... lebih bisa melihat peluang lagi ... lebih tanggap lagi .... 

mudah2-an .... ini bisa menjadi sebuah pertimbangan ... untuk melanjutkan ... mengembangkan konsep kang Onno W Purbo .... agar kita bisa menikmati internet lebih merakyat ...
piss bro ... semoga bermanfaat ....

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Cara Mengintip Acount Hotspot .... (cara paling ndeso)

web-proxy memang tdk bisa dianggap remeh .... justru krn kesederhanaanya itulah yg jadi kelebihannya (menurut paidjo tetangganya si-paidjan)
kl kemaren2 kita telah bongkar bgmn menginceng isi web-proxy .... kl ini kita coba cara yg lebih ndeso lagi ....
kenapa lebih ndeso?? .....
krn cara ini sekedar memberi laporan bahwa : telah terjadi proses dr klien X menuju website X dgn mode X .... tanpa ada embel2 lain yg mengatakan secara detil spt menginceng web-proxy yg kemarin dulu kita bahas .... atau yg kemarinnya lagi
jadi disini cuman tahu "kemana kemana kemana ...... ku harus mencari kemana ..... xixixixiix koyo lagune ayu cring cring .... "
bagi yg hanya membutuhkan situs tujuan saja cocok sekali dgn cara spt ini .... ngirit resource bagi yg PC-routernya P1-100 spt milik paidjo ......

daannnn ..... sssttttt ... jgn bilang2 sama si-robet ya .... kl web-proxy itu banyak kelebihannya .... terutama dlm hal ndeso-ne .... hehehhehe ... (kebetulan neng kene robet jeneng-e kirik .... dadi di-omongnono yo gak bakal ngerti opomaneh percoyo .... xixixixi)

langsung saja di prekethek-kan .... :

/system logging action
add action=memory disabled=no prefix="" topics=account

dan jika pingin copas isinya bisa lewat new-terminal spt biasanya ......
 (mosok lali)
yaitu dgn perintah : "log p"

piss gannnn .....
pesen-e kang paidjo .....
bikinlah hidup sampean menjadi berarti bg sesama selagi ada kesempatan ....
semoga bermanfaat bro ..... :)

Senin, 21 November 2011

Waspada-i kemampuan AP anda .....

marilah sodara2 .... kita renungkan sejenak .... jangan angah2 (angah2 boso indonesia-ne opo?) .... kita punya perangkat jaringan itu dgn kemampuan yg berbeda2 .... dan kita kudu tau batas maksimal-nya .... maksud paidjo yg bodoh ini hanya mengingatkan jangan terlalu mimpi yg seba muluk2 dulu .....
ilustrasinya begini saja .... biar lebih mudah menyampaikan-nya ..

misalkan sebuah AP ... yg kemudian di seting pada rate 11mbps (wifi klas B) .... artinya angka stb adalah kemampuan total di lewati data yg TX + RX total adalah 11mbps ....
jadi jgn minta ideal 11mbps FULL .... opo kerjanya cuman dengerkan thok ... yg lain kan juga pingin ngomong
nahhh ... karena ngomong dan mendengarkan itu adalah hak si klien .... apabila terjadi perbandingan TX vs RX 50% .... apa njur g mau perduli ... "lho kok ... ini 11mbps tapi genjot pol cuman segini ... ? "
disini-lah kita butuh pengertian .... "sekali2 ki yo openono bekakas sampean ....." di luar sana banyak yg sudah pakek G (54mbps) bahkan N (150/300mbps) .... semua itu dgn harapan bisa memperlebar jalannya si data yg lewat dlm satu kesempatan tsb ....

satu cerita dr teman ... yng mana dia telah menerapkan konsep layanan lokal pada hotspotnya ... dia sengaja membaypas access ke sesama lokalnya ... karena pingin dpt nilai + dari para klien ...
nah .... kemudian yag terjadi apa .... ketika access lokal dadi terexploitasi secara besar2-an .... yg terjadi hancurlah konsep utama jaringan nirkabel tsb (jama'ah internet yg merata) ... dan itu tidak bisa dirasakan kl bukan pd titik si klien ....

cara menggambarkannya g usah jauh2 deh .... misalkan kompi sampean di limit 200kbps trs sampean download secara membabi buta , trs bagaimana rasanya ketika saat itu juga pada tab yg lain sampean melakukan browsing ...pasti suweeeee polll juga tho ....
ini mudah di pahami dgn filsafat moderen "1+1=2" ... artine kl total-nya sudah memenuhi kuota berikutnya akan kehabisan kuota ... yg terjadi kemudian adalah antrian antrian dan antrian yg puaaanjang ... dan apabila terlalu puanjang yg terjadi kemudian bingung , jibeg , mabuk dsb.... naahhh ... saat mabuk inilah yg buang2 waktu , energi dll yg serba rendah dlm hal efisiensi ....

sampean bayangkan ketika kompi/lepi yg booting blm selesai trs sampean dgn entengnya buka dan buka browser misalkan .... kan yg terjadi sebenarnya kita rugi waktu ... krn g buka2 luaaaaammmmaa bgt .... lebih lama dibanding waktu yg dibutuhkan jika kompi sampean sdh dlm keadaan segar (sudah selesai booting dgn sempurna) ..... mohon maaf sebelumnya paidjo tidak bisa menjelaskan teorinya ... paidjo hanya bisa mengukur total waktu yg dibutuhkan dan merasakan-nya .... (bukan kapasitas paidjo untuk menjelaskan ini)

melanjutkan cerita teman .... : kemudian yg terjadi banyak sekali sirkulasi data lokal antar klien / klien-server ... entah itu voip , IPcam , loud ke cache dll .... nah yg terahir ini sering terlena .... hahahahah
saat buanyak req ke cache yg sering di pamer2-an tmn bisa mencapai angka 20-200mbps itu ..... whalah .... ujung2nya ttp resiko pada penuhnya jalan hanya untuk kepentingan itu .... dan yg lainnya mo lewat jalan mana ?..... opo dalan-e embah-e ...???? kok di entekne dewe ...... sing ape nggawe akeh dooolll !!!!
disitulah awal kehancuran  itu .... dimana jalan yg secara nyata g seideal kabel itu di bebani trafik sedemikian tinggi , pasti ccq akan turun ... terutama yg dpt signal jelek senajan g selalu bgt ....
inilah efek exploitasi trafik ..... yg resikonya pasti saja trafik akan penuh sebelum penggunaan-nya maksimal (klien blm banyak wis lelet) ... wayah-e dalan sing ombone 10mtr kwi iso memenuhi hajat wong akeh dadak di-gawe reno2 barang ... tambah macet ... bukan hanya penuh dgn pengguna jalan .... tapi juga polisi sing nganyer yo bth menempati jln , bakul2 malih rame pingin dodolan neng kemacetan , pengamen juga , copet juga ... sembarang kalir wis .... podo memanfaatkan kemacetan mau  ... heheheheh ...

ilmu yg di dapat dari perenungan ini adalah ..... tidak ada .... soale ujung2-e pasti ngengkel dgn konsep-nya sendiri2 .... dan sekali lagi gak ada konsep dewa ... konsep yg terbaik itu konsep yg sesuai dgn lingkungan setempat ....
sing jelass ... macet lek pengguna-e akeh sik sumbut .... drpd sing gawe kuwi2 thok wis macet .... liyane trs opo g oleh beraktifitas .... liane opo gak misuh2 .... diiiiannnncuuukkkk !!!!
piiss broooo .... semoga bermanfaat ....

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Mencari setting router kw-1 ... yg mana tho ?......

hahahahahahahah ........ paidjo mo tertawa dulu .....
bukanya apa .... di-luarsana ternyata konsep orng pintar minter-i yg bodoh itu kenthel sekali .... untung paidjo yg bodoh (riilnya gt siihh ...) gak sampek terpengaruh oleh paket2 bahkan promosi2 yg mengatakan mampu "setting mikrotik cap dewa" ... xixixixi (nyontek bahasa-ne begawan londho) .....
bak promomosi kecap atau apalah namanya .... disitu di sebutkan ... ba bi bu be bo ....... preeeeetttt ....

ibarat juru masak .... waloupun kebetulan sudah di cap koki no-1 tingkat nasional ... suruh masak tempe goreng vs anak2 panti asuhan yg kebetulan isone masak yo tempe goreng .... itu-pun krn gak pernah ada bahan selain itu di panti .... paling rasa-ne juga sama ato bahkan mungkin anak2 tmn panti asuhan akan lbh seneng masakan temannya krn ngerti btul kebiasaan dlm rasa dll yg intinya lebih dekat dgn keadaan panti tsb .... kwi sik musuh panti ....
coba kita bandingkan lagi vs yg lebih pro dikit misal-e bakul bakso "ARYA" misal-e ... akan terlihat jelas ... hasil masakan bakso si koki tsb akan kalah di lidah orng2 tulungagung sini (cuman menggambarkan lho : tanpa ada maksud lain2) ....

dari 2 perumpamaan itu kita ambil ilmunya ....
bahwa tiap orng / lingkungan memiliki kebiasaan dan citarasa yg berbeda2 menurut keadaan lingkungan setempat .... (contohnya paidjo sing kadung kebiasaan makan "sego pecel" di beri "pitza" ... yo gak tepat .... paling cuman ge tombo penasaran thok .... ) ...
dan untuk kesekian kalinya paidjo ingatkan .... mbako enak di campur bakso enak hasilnya .... xixixixix ... gak passss ....wahahahahah ...

laluuuuu ... setting dewa itu yg bagaimana tho sebenarnya ..... ?????????/
jawabannya adalah setting yg sesuai keadaan dan kebutuhan lingkungan setempat .... (contekan resep pitza no-1-pun mungkin akan dibiarkan berserakan oleh paidjo krn dia g butuh itu ... dan justru resep kue klepon bisa jadi di simpan rapi bahkan di laminating bak piagam penghargaan ... xixixixixi )
bisa juga dibilang ...." resep setting dewa itu nafsi-nafsi / relative ".... ukurannya hanya berhasil / tidak ... jadi / enggak .... sukses / gagal ....

dan contoh yg biasa2 saja asal normal jalannya ya spt ini :....

/interface ethernet
set 0 arp=enabled auto-negotiation=yes cable-settings=default comment="" \
    disable-running-check=yes disabled=no full-duplex=yes \
    mac-address=00:C0:26:8C:45:73 mtu=1500 name="h-spot" speed=100Mbps
set 1 arp=enabled auto-negotiation=yes cable-settings=default comment="" \
    disable-running-check=yes disabled=no full-duplex=yes \
    mac-address=00:04:75:8E:0A:79 mtu=1500 name="w-net" speed=100Mbps
set 2 arp=enabled auto-negotiation=yes cable-settings=default comment="" \
    disable-running-check=yes disabled=no full-duplex=yes \
    mac-address=00:04:75:D0:E7:9A mtu=1500 name="- F/O" speed=100Mbps
set 3 arp=enabled auto-negotiation=yes cable-settings=default comment="" \
    disable-running-check=yes disabled=no full-duplex=yes \
    mac-address=00:04:75:C1:1B:71 mtu=1500 name="x-link" speed=100Mbps
set 4 arp=enabled auto-negotiation=yes cable-settings=default comment="" \
    disable-running-check=yes disabled=no full-duplex=yes \
    mac-address=00:90:27:9C:09:52 mtu=1500 name="c-20" speed=100Mbps
/ip pool
add name="w-net" ranges=
add name="h-spot" ranges=
add name="c-20" ranges=
add name="x-link" ranges=
set 0 baud-rate=9600 data-bits=8 flow-control=hardware name="serial0" \
    parity=none stop-bits=1
set 1 baud-rate=9600 data-bits=8 flow-control=hardware name="serial1" \
    parity=none stop-bits=1
/queue type
set default kind=pfifo name="default" pfifo-limit=50
set ethernet-default kind=pfifo name="ethernet-default" pfifo-limit=50
set wireless-default kind=sfq name="wireless-default" sfq-allot=1514 \
set synchronous-default kind=red name="synchronous-default" \
    red-avg-packet=1000 red-burst=20 red-limit=60 red-max-threshold=50 \
set hotspot-default kind=sfq name="hotspot-default" sfq-allot=1514 \
set default-small kind=pfifo name="default-small" pfifo-limit=10
set contact="" enabled=no engine-boots=0 engine-id="" location="" \
    time-window=15 trap-community=public trap-sink= trap-version=1
/snmp community
add address= authentication-password="" authentication-protocol=MD5 \
    encryption-password="" encryption-protocol=DES name="public" \
    read-access=yes security=none
/system logging action
set memory memory-lines=100 memory-stop-on-full=no name="memory" target=memory
set disk disk-lines=1000 disk-stop-on-full=no name="disk" target=disk
set echo name="echo" remember=yes target=echo
set remote name="remote" remote= target=remote
/user group
add name="read" policy=local,telnet,ssh,reboot,read,test,winbox,password,web,sn\
add name="write" policy=local,telnet,ssh,reboot,read,write,test,winbox,password\
add name="full" policy=local,telnet,ssh,ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbo\
/ip hotspot profile
set default dns-name="hotspot.ta" hotspot-address= \
    html-directory=hotspot http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= \
    login-by=cookie,http-chap name="default" rate-limit="" smtp-server= \
    split-user-domain=no use-radius=no
add dns-name="halloudin.ta" hotspot-address= \
    html-directory=hotspot http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= \
    login-by=cookie,http-chap name="c-20" rate-limit="" \
    smtp-server= split-user-domain=no use-radius=no
add dns-name="bangauputih.ta" hotspot-address= \
    html-directory=hotspot http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= \
    login-by=cookie,http-chap name="h-spot" rate-limit="200k/1000k" \
    smtp-server= split-user-domain=no use-radius=no
add dns-name="warnet.ta" hotspot-address= html-directory=warnet \
    http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= login-by=cookie,http-chap \
    name="w-net" rate-limit="" smtp-server= split-user-domain=no \
add dns-name="sumbergempol.ta" hotspot-address= \
    html-directory=hotspot http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= \
    login-by=cookie,http-chap name="x-link" rate-limit="200k/1000k" \
    smtp-server= split-user-domain=no use-radius=no
/ip hotspot user profile
set default address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url=sites.google.com/site/halloudin/tagihan \
    idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m name="default" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="60k/300k" shared-users=1 \
    status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="h-spot = coba" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k \
    20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=3 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=w-net advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="w-net = coba" open-status-page=always shared-users=3 \
    status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Yoyok 'C (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Resta 'C (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url= \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Bayu 'C (10)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 \
    40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=5m \
    advertise-timeout=3m advertise-url= \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Brina 'Rngn7 (10)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k" session-timeout=1h \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Enid (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url=bangauputih.ta/tagihan.html \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Fathoni 'J (15)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 \
    40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Aziz 'C (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Shes 'B (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="z-hotspot" open-status-page=always rate-limit="100k/1000k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=w-net advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="Warnet = 600" open-status-page=always rate-limit="80k/400k 80k/800k \
    80k/200k 5/5 7 80k/400k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=w-net advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="Warnet = 500" open-status-page=always rate-limit="80k/400k 80k/800k \
    80k/200k 5/5 7 80k/400k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url=bangauputih.ta/tagihan.html \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Idasuko 'B (10)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 \
    40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="SAMSUNG" open-status-page=always rate-limit="500k/500k  500k/1000k \
    500k/300k 10/10 7 500k/300k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=2m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url= \
    idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m name="40rb AA 'E (25)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k 20k/200k 20k/50k 5/5 7 \
    20k/50k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="h-spot = udin" open-status-page=always rate-limit="100k/1000k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Danis 'H (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Afif 'H (15)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=w-net advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="ADMIN" open-status-page=always rate-limit="500k/500k  500k/1000k \
    500k/300k 10/10 7 500k/300k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Hana 'G (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k" \
    session-timeout=1h shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="h-spot = paket 10rb" open-status-page=always rate-limit="60k/300k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="PAKET kB/s" open-status-page=always rate-limit="100k/1000k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="PAKET JAM (2)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="60k/300k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Nafis 'E (15)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="40rb Basid 'J (15)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k \
    20k/200k 20k/50k 5/5 7 20k/50k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url=bangauputih.ta/tagihan.html \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Rahmat 'I (10)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 \
    40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Irwan 'H (15)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="25rb Yopi (20)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="12k/60k 12k/120k \
    12k/30k 5/5 7 12k/30k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url=bangauputih.ta/tagihan.html \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Timbul 'E (10)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 \
    40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Uun \
    'Link" open-status-page=always rate-limit="60k/300k 60k/600k 60k/150k 5/5 \
    7 60k/150k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Nofal 'C (18)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Tara 'C (20)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Zainal 'B (20)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Yeremia 'H (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="40rb Yeyen 'A (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k \
    20k/200k 20k/50k 5/5 7 20k/50k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Bogi 'I (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb kepri (free)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="50k/250k \
    50k/500k 50k/125k 5/5 7 50k/125k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="h-spot = promo" open-status-page=always rate-limit="500k/500k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="admin = x-link" open-status-page=always rate-limit="500k/500k  \
    500k/1000k 500k/300k 10/10 7 500k/300k" shared-users=1 \
    status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=immediately advertise-url=bangauputih.ta/tagihan.html \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Hafi 'J (22)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 \
    40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=30s \
    advertise-timeout=immediately \
    advertise-url= idle-timeout=1h \
    keepalive-timeout=1m name="100rb juweni" open-status-page=always \
    rate-limit="20k/200k" session-timeout=1m shared-users=1 \
    status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=w-net advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="Warnet = 700" open-status-page=always rate-limit="80k/400k 80k/800k \
    80k/200k 5/5 7 80k/400k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=30m \
    name="60rb agus (21)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=x-link advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url= \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="25rb anissa (24)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="6k/60k" shared-users=1 \
    status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="100rb nanang (21)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="60k/300k \
    60k/600k 60k/150k 5/5 7 60k/150k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=w-net advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="warnet laptop" open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/200k" \
    shared-users=2 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb elfatoni (4)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb rina (5)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k \
    20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url=bangauputih.ta/tagihan.html \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="40rb Bambang 'B (5)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k 20k/200k 20k/50k 5/5 7 \
    20k/50k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Hilmy 'F (12)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k" \
    session-timeout=1h shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="40rb Tentami 'E (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k \
    20k/200k 20k/50k 5/5 7 20k/50k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=c-20 advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="Hallo.Udin - FULL" open-status-page=always shared-users=1 \
    status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="trial = X-link" open-status-page=always rate-limit="60k/300k \
    60k/500k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=3 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="trial-hotspot" open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/200k" \
    shared-users=6 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url=sites.google.com/site/halloudin/tagihan \
    idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m name="40rb Rendra (10)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k" session-timeout=1h \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="PAKET JAM (1)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="60k/300k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="40rb ike (30)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Uun 'Hspot" open-status-page=always rate-limit="60k/300k \
    60k/600k 60k/150k 5/5 7 60k/150k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Purbo (23)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Fuad  (03)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=5m \
    advertise-timeout=3m advertise-url= \
    idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Ratri (05)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k" shared-users=1 \
    status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Yhudi (11)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Budi-sp (11)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10m \
    advertise-timeout=1m advertise-url=bangauputih.ta/tagihan.html \
    idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m name="60rb Jack (16)" \
    open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k" shared-users=1 \
    status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb yos (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k \
    20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=yes advertise-interval=10s \
    advertise-timeout=immediately \
    advertise-url= idle-timeout=1h \
    keepalive-timeout=1m name="60rb Fikrul (16)" open-status-page=always \
    rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" session-timeout=30s \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb laily (27)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb rini (24)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb indah (1)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=c-20 advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="Hallo.Udin -1 (c-20)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="500k/500k  \
    500k/1000k 500k/300k 10/10 7 500k/300k" shared-users=1 \
    status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=w-net advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="warnet = c3" open-status-page=always rate-limit="400k/200k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="40rb Dayu 10" open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k 20k/200k \
    20k/50k 5/5 7 20k/50k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=c-20 advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="Hallo.Udin -2 (c-20)" open-status-page=always \
    rate-limit="1000k/1000k  1000k/2000k 1000k/500k 10/10 7 1000k/500k" \
    shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m transparent-proxy=yes
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb hariyanto 12" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Nuraji (12)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=none keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Ali (18)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k 40k/400k \
    20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
/ip dhcp-server
add add-arp=yes address-pool=w-net always-broadcast=yes \
    authoritative=after-2sec-delay bootp-support=static disabled=no \
    interface=w-net lease-time=4w2d name="w-net" src-address=
add add-arp=yes address-pool=h-spot always-broadcast=yes \
    authoritative=after-2sec-delay bootp-support=static disabled=no \
    interface=h-spot lease-time=12w6d name="h-spot" src-address=
add add-arp=yes address-pool=c-20 always-broadcast=yes \
    authoritative=after-2sec-delay bootp-support=static disabled=no \
    interface=c-20 lease-time=4w2d name="c20" src-address=
add add-arp=yes address-pool=x-link always-broadcast=yes \
    authoritative=after-2sec-delay bootp-support=static disabled=no \
    interface=x-link lease-time=12w6d name="xl-ink" \
/interface bridge port
add comment="" disabled=no edge=auto external-fdb=auto horizon=none \
    interface="- F/O" path-cost=10 point-to-point=auto priority=0x80
add comment="" disabled=no edge=auto external-fdb=auto horizon=none \
    interface=c-20 path-cost=10 point-to-point=auto priority=0x80
/interface bridge settings
set use-ip-firewall=no use-ip-firewall-for-vlan=no
/ip accounting
set account-local-traffic=no enabled=no threshold=256
/ip accounting web-access
set accessible-via-web=no address=
/ip address
add address= broadcast= comment="" disabled=no \
    interface="- F/O" network=
add address= broadcast= comment="" disabled=no \
    interface=h-spot network=
add address= broadcast= comment="" disabled=no \
    interface=w-net network=
add address= broadcast= comment="" \
    disabled=no interface=x-link network=
add address= broadcast= comment="" disabled=no \
    interface=c-20 network=
/ip dns
set allow-remote-requests=yes cache-max-ttl=1w cache-size=20480KiB \
    max-udp-packet-size=512 primary-dns= \
/ip dns static
add address= disabled=no name="ap-utama.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="waras.in" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="waras.out" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="waras.link" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="home.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="linux.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-b.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-c.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-h.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-j.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-a.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-senggol.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-g.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-h2.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-a2" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-selojeneng.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="repeater-selojeneng2.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="cctv-pintu-utama.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="cctv-pintu-a.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="cctv-pintu-b.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="cctv-pintu-i.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="cctv-pintu-k1.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="cctv-pintu-k2.net" ttl=1d
add address= disabled=no name="router741.net" ttl=1d
/ip firewall connection tracking
set enabled=yes generic-timeout=10m icmp-timeout=10s tcp-close-timeout=10s \
    tcp-close-wait-timeout=10s tcp-established-timeout=1d \
    tcp-fin-wait-timeout=10s tcp-last-ack-timeout=10s \
    tcp-syn-received-timeout=5s tcp-syn-sent-timeout=5s tcp-syncookie=yes \
    tcp-time-wait-timeout=10s udp-stream-timeout=3m udp-timeout=10s
/ip firewall filter
add action=passthrough chain=unused-hs-chain comment="place hotspot rules \
    here" disabled=yes
add action=drop chain=input comment="=====  close proxy  =====" disabled=no \
    dst-port=8080 in-interface="- F/O" protocol=tcp
add action=accept chain=forward comment="allow established connections" \
    connection-state=established disabled=no
add action=accept chain=forward comment="allow related connections" \
    connection-state=related disabled=no
add action=drop chain=forward comment="drop invalid connections" \
    connection-state=invalid disabled=no
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop blaster worm" disabled=no \
    dst-port=135-139 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop messeger worm" disabled=no \
    dst-port=135-139 protocol=udp
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop blaster worm" disabled=no \
    dst-port=455 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop blaster worm" disabled=no \
    dst-port=455 protocol=udp
add action=drop chain=virus comment="_________" disabled=no dst-port=593 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="___________" disabled=no \
    dst-port=1024-1030 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop my-doom" disabled=no dst-port=1080 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="_________" disabled=no dst-port=1224 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="ndm requester" disabled=no dst-port=1363 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="ndm server" disabled=no dst-port=1364 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="screen cast" disabled=no dst-port=1368 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="hromgrafx" disabled=no dst-port=1373 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="dcichild" disabled=no dst-port=1377 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="worm" disabled=no dst-port=1433-1434 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="dumaru.y" disabled=no dst-port=2283 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop bangle" disabled=no dst-port=2535 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="bangle virus" disabled=no dst-port=2745 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop my-doom" disabled=no \
    dst-port=3127-3128 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop back-door optic-pro" disabled=no \
    dst-port=3410 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=virus comment="worm" disabled=no dst-port=4444 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="worm" disabled=no dst-port=4444 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop sasser" disabled=no dst-port=5554 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop bangle.b" disabled=no dst-port=8866 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop darbber.a-b" disabled=no \
    dst-port=9898 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop damaru.y" disabled=no dst-port=10000 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop my-doom.b" disabled=no \
    dst-port=10080 protocol=tcp
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop netbus" disabled=no dst-port=12345 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop kuang2" disabled=no dst-port=17300 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop subseven" disabled=no dst-port=27374 \
add action=drop chain=virus comment="drop pathbot,agobot,gaobot" disabled=no \
    dst-port=65506 protocol=tcp
add action=jump chain=forward comment="jump to the virus chaint" disabled=no \
add action=accept chain=forward comment="allow ping" disabled=no protocol=icmp
add action=accept chain=forward comment="allow udp" disabled=no protocol=udp
/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting comment="up traffic (c-20)" \
    disabled=no in-interface=c-20 new-packet-mark="test-up (c-20)" \
    passthrough=no src-address=
add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting comment="up traffic (h-spot)" \
    disabled=no in-interface=h-spot new-packet-mark="test-up (h-spot)" \
    passthrough=no src-address=
add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting comment="up traffic (w-net)" \
    disabled=no in-interface=w-net new-packet-mark="test-up (w-net)" \
    passthrough=no src-address=
add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting comment="up traffic (x-link)" \
    disabled=no in-interface=x-link new-packet-mark="test-up (x-link)" \
    passthrough=no src-address=
add action=mark-connection chain=forward comment="conn-mark c-20) \
    ------------" disabled=no new-connection-mark="tes-conn (c-20)" \
    passthrough=yes src-address=
add action=mark-connection chain=forward comment="conn-mark (h-spot)" \
    disabled=no new-connection-mark="tes-conn (h-spot)" passthrough=yes \
add action=mark-connection chain=forward comment="conn-mark (w-net)" \
    disabled=no new-connection-mark="tes-conn (w-net)" passthrough=yes \
add action=mark-connection chain=forward comment="conn-mark (x-link)" \
    disabled=no new-connection-mark="tes-conn (x-link)" passthrough=yes \
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="down-direct (c-20) \
    ---------" disabled=no in-interface="- F/O" new-packet-mark="test-down \
    (c-20)" packet-mark="test-up (c-20)" passthrough=no \
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="down-direct (h-spot)" \
    disabled=no in-interface="- F/O" new-packet-mark="test-down (h-spot)" \
    packet-mark="test-up (h-spot)" passthrough=no src-address=
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="down-direct (w-net)" disabled=no \
    in-interface="- F/O" new-packet-mark="test-down (w-net)" \
    packet-mark="test-up (w-net)" passthrough=no src-address=
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="down-direct (x-link)" \
    disabled=no in-interface="- F/O" new-packet-mark="test-down (x-link)" \
    packet-mark="test-up (x-link)" passthrough=no src-address=
add action=mark-packet chain=output comment="proxy-down (c-20) \
    ----------" disabled=no new-packet-mark="proxy-down (c-20)" passthrough=no \
add action=mark-packet chain=output comment="proxy-down (h-spot)" disabled=no \
    new-packet-mark="proxy-down (h-spot)" passthrough=no \
add action=mark-packet chain=output comment="proxy-down (w-net)" disabled=no \
    new-packet-mark="proxy-down (w-net)" passthrough=no \
add action=mark-packet chain=output comment="proxy-down (x-link)" disabled=no \
    new-packet-mark="proxy-down (x-link)" passthrough=no \
/ip firewall nat
add action=passthrough chain=unused-hs-chain comment="place hotspot rules \
    here" disabled=yes
add action=redirect chain=dstnat comment="Web-Proxy" disabled=no dst-port=80 \
    protocol=tcp to-ports=8080
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot  (c-20)" \
    disabled=no src-address=
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot  (h-spot)" \
    disabled=no src-address=
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot  (w-net)" \
    disabled=no src-address=
add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="masquerade hotspot  (x-link)" \
    disabled=no src-address=
add action=redirect chain=dstnat comment="" disabled=no dst-port=53 \
    protocol=tcp to-ports=53
add action=redirect chain=dstnat comment="" disabled=no dst-port=53 \
    protocol=udp to-ports=53
/ip firewall service-port
set ftp disabled=no ports=21
set tftp disabled=no ports=69
set irc disabled=no ports=6667
set h323 disabled=no
set sip disabled=no ports=5060,5061
set pptp disabled=no
/ip neighbor discovery
set h-spot discover=yes
set w-net discover=yes
set "- F/O" discover=yes
set x-link discover=yes
set c-20 discover=yes
/ip proxy
set always-from-cache=yes cache-administrator="Server dlm Perawatan" \
    cache-drive=secondary-master cache-hit-dscp=4 cache-on-disk=yes \
    enabled=yes max-cache-size=unlimited max-client-connections=600 \
    max-fresh-time=8w4d max-server-connections=600 parent-proxy= \
    parent-proxy-port=8080 port=8080 serialize-connections=yes \
/ip proxy access
add action=deny comment="block telnet & spam e-mail relaying" disabled=no \
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no \
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.google.co.id
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=id.yahoo.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.kaskus.us
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.youtube.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.didigames.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.games.co.id
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.facebook.com \
add action=deny comment="" disabled=yes dst-host=www.yahoo.com \
add action=deny comment="" disabled=yes dst-host=www.freewebproxy.net \
add action=deny comment="" disabled=yes dst-host=www.proxy4free.com \
add action=deny comment="" disabled=yes dst-host=www.freeproxy.ca \
add action=deny comment="" disabled=yes dst-host=www.freeproxysite.com \
add action=deny comment="" disabled=yes path=*.exe \
add action=deny comment="" disabled=yes dst-port=80 path=*porn* \
add action=deny comment="" disabled=yes dst-host=:download path="" \
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.tabloidpulsa.co.id
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.tabloidnova.com/
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=id.wikipedia.org
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.instructables.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=tv.liputan6.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.kapanlagi.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=htwitter.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.isekolah.org
/ip proxy cache
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.facebook.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.indonesiancupid.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.youtube.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.games.co.id
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.tabloidnova.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.kaskus.us
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=twitter.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=id.yahoo.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.didigames.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=id.wikipedia.org
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.alnect.net
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.kapanlagi.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no \
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.tabloidpulsa.co.id/
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.instructables.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=tv.liputan6.com
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.isekolah.org
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=www.google.co.id
/ip proxy direct
add action=allow comment="" disabled=no dst-host=http://www.google.co.id/
/ip route
add comment="" disabled=no distance=1 dst-address= \
    gateway=",- F/O" scope=30 target-scope=10
/ip service
set telnet address= disabled=no port=23
set ftp address= disabled=no port=21
set www address= disabled=no port=80
set www-ssl address= certificate=none disabled=no port=443
set api address= disabled=no port=8728
set winbox address= disabled=no port=8291
/ip socks
set connection-idle-timeout=2m enabled=no max-connections=200 port=1080
/ip traffic-flow
set active-flow-timeout=30m cache-entries=512k enabled=yes \
    inactive-flow-timeout=15s interfaces=all
/ip traffic-flow target
add address= disabled=no v9-template-refresh=20 \
    v9-template-timeout=30m version=9
/ip upnp
set allow-disable-external-interface=yes enabled=yes show-dummy-rule=yes
/ip upnp interfaces
add disabled=no interface="- F/O" type=external
add disabled=no type=internal
add disabled=no interface=h-spot type=internal
add disabled=no interface=w-net type=internal
add disabled=no interface=x-link type=internal
/queue interface
set h-spot queue=ethernet-default
set w-net queue=ethernet-default
set "- F/O" queue=ethernet-default
set x-link queue=ethernet-default
set c-20 queue=ethernet-default
/radius incoming
set accept=no port=3799
set contact="" enabled=no engine-boots=0 engine-id="" location="" \
    time-window=15 trap-community=public trap-sink= trap-version=1
/system clock manual
set dst-delta=+07:00 dst-end="jul/02/2011 01:50:00" dst-start="jul/02/2011 \
    01:50:00" time-zone=+07:00
/system console
add disabled=no port=serial0 term="vt102"
set [ find vcno=1 ] disabled=no term="linux"
set [ find vcno=2 ] disabled=no term="linux"
set [ find vcno=3 ] disabled=no term="linux"
set [ find vcno=4 ] disabled=no term="linux"
set [ find vcno=5 ] disabled=no term="linux"
set [ find vcno=6 ] disabled=no term="linux"
set [ find vcno=7 ] disabled=no term="linux"
set [ find vcno=8 ] disabled=no term="linux"
/system console screen
set line-count=25
/system hardware
set multi-cpu=no
/system health
set state-after-reboot=enabled
/system identity
set name="= Bangau-Putih ="
/system logging
add action=memory disabled=no prefix="" topics=info
add action=memory disabled=no prefix="" topics=error
add action=memory disabled=no prefix="" topics=warning
add action=echo disabled=no prefix="" topics=critical
add action=memory disabled=yes prefix="" topics=web-proxy
add action=remote disabled=yes prefix="" topics=web-proxy
/system note
set note="" show-at-login=yes
/system ntp client
set enabled=yes mode=unicast primary-ntp= secondary-ntp=
/system scheduler
add comment="" disabled=no interval=6h name="remove-ARP" on-event=arp \
    start-date=aug/23/2011 start-time=05:00:00
add comment="" disabled=yes interval=1d name="reboot" on-event=reboot \
    start-date=jan/01/2009 start-time=04:00:00
/system script
add name="arp" policy="ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,\
    (unknown)" source="/ip arp remove [find]"
add name="reboot" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,snif\
    f source="/system reboot"
add name="bussy-dell" \
    policy="ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,(unknown)" \
    source=":foreach i in=[/ip dhcp-server lease find \
    status=\"busy\"]\\\r\ndo={\r\n:log error (\"Busy status detected: \" . \
    [/ip dhcp-server lease get \$i address]);\r\n/ip dhcp-server lease \
    check-status \$i;\r\n/ip dhcp-server lease disable \$i;\r\n/ip dhcp-server \
    lease enable \$i;\r\n}"
add name="drop-percec-bitpersec" \
    policy="ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,(unknown)" \
    source="/interface ethernet {\r\n    :foreach i in=[find] do={\r\n        \
    :local infName [get \$i name]\r\n        :local sysName [/system identity \
    get name]\r\n        /interface monitor-traffic \$infName once do={\r\n    \
            :log info \
    ps-per-second\",\$\"tx-bits-per-second\"\");\r\n        }\r\n    }\r\n}"
/system upgrade mirror
set check-interval=1d enabled=no primary-server= \
    secondary-server= user=""
/system watchdog
set auto-send-supout=no automatic-supout=no no-ping-delay=5m \
    watch-address=none watchdog-timer=no
/tool bandwidth-server
set allocate-udp-ports-from=2000 authenticate=yes enabled=yes max-sessions=100
/tool e-mail
set from="<>" server=
/tool graphing
set store-every=5min
/tool graphing interface
add allow-address= disabled=no interface=all store-on-disk=yes
/tool graphing queue
add allow-address= allow-target=yes disabled=no simple-queue=all \
/tool graphing resource
add allow-address= disabled=no store-on-disk=yes
/tool mac-server
add disabled=no interface=all
/tool mac-server ping
set enabled=yes
/tool sniffer
set file-limit=10 file-name="" filter-address1= \
    filter-address2= filter-protocol=ip-only \
    filter-stream=yes interface=all memory-limit=10 only-headers=no \
    streaming-enabled=no streaming-server=
add address= comment="system default user" disabled=no group=full \
add address= comment="" disabled=no group=full name="ext"
/user aaa
set accounting=yes default-group=read interim-update=0s use-radius=no
/ip hotspot
add address-pool=c-20 addresses-per-mac=10 disabled=no idle-timeout=10m \
    interface=c-20 keepalive-timeout=none name="c-20" profile=c-20
add address-pool=h-spot disabled=no idle-timeout=10m interface=h-spot \
    keepalive-timeout=none name="h-spot" profile=h-spot
add address-pool=w-net addresses-per-mac=4 disabled=no idle-timeout=10m \
    interface=w-net keepalive-timeout=none name="w-net" profile=w-net
add address-pool=x-link disabled=no idle-timeout=10m interface=x-link \
    keepalive-timeout=none name="x-link" profile=x-link
/ip hotspot ip-binding  ......... (tidk di tampilkan)
/ip hotspot service-port
set ftp disabled=no ports=21
/ip hotspot user ...... (tidak ditampilkan)
/ip dhcp-server network
add address= comment="c-20" gateway=
add address= comment="h-spot" gateway=
add address= comment="w-net" gateway=
add address= comment="x-link" gateway=
---------------------------- bersambung -----------------------------

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Domain untuk gatway Hotspot ....

seperti prinsip yg sudah2 .... domain pada lokal itu efeknya antaralain mempercepat pd saat me-manggil-nya .... (podo ambek nyeluk bocah sing grng kenal ... "hee kae sopo jenengmu embuh ... rene-o ..." .... krn kuwabeh di panggil heee !!!! ..... jd makin sulit mengklasifikasikan identitas shg sing dipanggil-pun jg bingung .... nahhh bingung inilah yg membuat jeda lumayan butuh waktu untuk proses ....
nahhh ... sekarang bagaimana kl umpamane si gateway itu "di jenang-ne abang" .....
aturan namapun kl domain lokal juga "sak karep-e dewe" bebas mo kasih nama apa sing penting ada "dot-e" (.) ... misalkan : udin.ganteng , udin.keren , udin.ok ..... paidjo.elek , paidjo.ndeso , paidjo.com , paidjo.moc ..... wis tho ... pokok-e sak karep-e udel-e dhewe .... dot opo wae di acc ambek mikrotik ....

begindas contoh scriptnya :
/ip hotspot profile
set default dns-name="hotspot.ta" hotspot-address= \
    html-directory=hotspot http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= \
    login-by=cookie,http-chap name="default" rate-limit="" smtp-server= \
    split-user-domain=no use-radius=no
add dns-name="halloudin.ta" hotspot-address= \
    html-directory=hotspot http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= \
    login-by=cookie,http-chap name="c-20" rate-limit="" \
    smtp-server= split-user-domain=no use-radius=no
add dns-name="bangauputih.ta" hotspot-address= \
    html-directory=hotspot http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= \
    login-by=cookie,http-chap name="h-spot" rate-limit="200k/1000k" \
    smtp-server= split-user-domain=no use-radius=no
add dns-name="warnet.ta" hotspot-address= html-directory=warnet \
    http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= login-by=cookie,http-chap \
    name="w-net" rate-limit="" smtp-server= split-user-domain=no \
add dns-name="sumbergempol.ta" hotspot-address= \
    html-directory=hotspot http-cookie-lifetime=3d http-proxy= \
    login-by=cookie,http-chap name="x-link" rate-limit="200k/1000k" \
    smtp-server= split-user-domain=no use-radius=no

Dan hasilnya adalah ... halaman hotspotpun akan berubah jd domain yang keren ... no2 IP-pun sirna ... spt gmbr ini :

Demikian kira2 sodara2 ..... semoga bermanfaat dan bisa mengurangi efek bingung serta mempercepat proses walopun cuman sedikit sekali bedanya .....
semoga bermanfaat .... pisss brooooo ....

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

paidjo coba2 bikin homepage masal .....

Ide ini muncul ketika .... ternyata homepage klien yg secara berangsur2 berubah krn g sengaja berubah krn hasil instal "sesuatu" ... (mirip syahrini ya ...)
krn begitu rucah dan beraneka ragamnya .... sampek pusing paidjo liat itu ....
homepage mereka pun bermacam2 rupa ...: ada yg ask , bing , amp , yahoo , google , pesbuk , dan layanan2 toolbar2 liar lainnya .... dan ternyata itu sebetulnya bukan yg mereka (klien inginkan) .... maaf sini kan pedesaan jauh dr apa2 .... jd yo maklum .... ngerti dewe kan ... admin-e wae katrok opo maneh klien-e ....
dr situ-lah awal ide .... "seandainya homepage itu di redirek ke server dan di paksakan ke kompi klien untuk buka homepage yg intinya memudahkan mereka ... pasti akan jadi nilai plus .....
dan ternyata benar .... dari sekian banyak klien yg paidjo tanyai .... jawabannya 100% lebih suka di begitukan .... mereka jadi lebih mudah (tinggal klik ... dah nyampek tujuan) ....
ada lagi yg komentr ... bagus djo ... bapak-ku ki wis tuwek lek di blajari gah ribet ... dadi ketika di pajang gambar pintu keluar langsung ngeri ... " eeeee ... lek metu ki dalan-e pasti kene ... " ..... hahahhahah

---------------- berlanjut ----- mumpung enek sing gelem ngidek2 heheheheh -------------------- 

seting bandwit klien hotspot "nggedabrust mode" ...

xixixixixi ... jagan di baca judul-e berulang2 .... gak enak lho di hayati ....

inti-nya begini sodara : .......
misalkan kita punya klien 40rb-an/bulan, dgn BW limit riilnya pada up to 100kbps
sbtlnya kan akselerasi itu yg dibutuhkan saat awalnya thok .... ya kita kasih tho sbg nilai plus pelayanan kita biar bs bersaing dgn modem *** ....
jadi kita akan biki skenario yg lebih menguntungkan bagi klien .... yg efeknya akan spt ini ...

saat klien klik sebuah web maka pada 5 detik pertama bw dia kan up to 200kbps ... kemudian turun lagi .... dimana 5 detik pertama itu kita anggap waktu yg cukup untuk bikin sentek-an supaya akselerasinya lebih nampak .... wuiiihh .... ngomong opo kwi .... jgn di percaya nemen2 ... paidjo ki bendinane ngonthel .... konok2-an kwi .... g ngepon blas .... hahahahahahah .....

dan inilah contohnya kira2 .... (nanti di lanjutkan sendiri2 ya ....)

add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb elfatoni (4)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=x-link advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb rina (5)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="40rb Bambang 'B (5)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k \
    20k/200k 20k/50k 5/5 7 20k/50k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Yhudi (11)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Budi-sp (11)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Tara 'C (20)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Zainal 'B (20)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="60rb Yeremia 'H (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="40k/200k \
    40k/400k 20k/100k 5/5 7 40k/100k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \
add address-pool=h-spot advertise=no idle-timeout=1h keepalive-timeout=2m \
    name="40rb Yeyen 'A (10)" open-status-page=always rate-limit="20k/100k \
    20k/200k 20k/50k 5/5 7 20k/50k" shared-users=1 status-autorefresh=1m \

dst ...... dst ......

semoga bermanfaat bro ....

bikin Domain Local ....

berawal dr menuruti alur dr konsep seorng teman .... yg sebelumnya memang bukan jd prioritas untuk di wujudkan selama ini .....
sebenerbya masuk juga sih .... ada beberapa manfaat :

1.) ... seandainya link kita itu (misalkan AP utama) yg secara kebetulan kita suka main sembuhyi-menyembuhnyikan IP ... taroh-lah seting ip AP tsb pada kelas yg juuuuauuuh dr keramaian (maksud-e jrng ada kemungkinan di pakek orng) ..... (contoh : jaringan pd , AP pd maka jika ..... AP tsb kita bikin-kan domain lokal maka saatdipanggil tidak nampak ip-nya ... paling gak itu sudah cukup untuk lebih menyembunyikan "orok" sampean tadi dari oker2 "anjing liar".... walaupun sebenernya dgn mudah "anjing liar itu menemukan-nya dgn endusan2-nya ... heheheheh

2.) ... lebih keren .... sjak-e lek panggilan-e angka2 melulu kok koyo narapidana (klambine kode angka2) .... heheheheh .... coba kl kodenya nama2 yang di kelompok2-kan .... mirip crew E/O ... keren kan ..?

manfaat lain-e kynya g ada lagi .... lbh ke arah buang2 ruang storage dan isi otak si admin ... "ngekeh2-i mikir" ... wakakakakak ...

begini kira kira caranya .... :

/ip fi nat
add action=redirect chain=dstnat comment="" disabled=no dst-port=53 \
    protocol=tcp to-ports=53
add action=redirect chain=dstnat comment="" disabled=no dst-port=53 \
    protocol=udp to-ports=53

/ip dns
set allow-remote-requests=yes cache-max-ttl=1w cache-size=20480KiB \
    max-udp-packet-size=512 primary-dns=192.168.x.x \
/ip dns static
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="c-20.net" ttl=1d
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="halloudin.net" ttl=1d
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="waras.net" ttl=1d
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="hotspot.net" ttl=1d
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="warnet.net" ttl=1d
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="ap-utama.net" ttl=1d
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="waras.in" ttl=1d
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="waras.out" ttl=1d
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="waras.link" ttl=1d
add address=192.168.x.x disabled=no name="home.net" ttl=1d ...... dst .....

monggo bro di-coba sendiri2 .... piss

inti cerita alurnya begbegbegbegini ....
kita paksa dulu klien untuk memiliki seting gateway adalah berdasarkan server hotspot masing2 ...
kita paksa juga klien supaya seting DNSnya selalu melewati DNS bikinan kita yg di parent ke lokal ..
stlh itu tinggal masuk-kan database apa saja yg mo di kasih nama (domain)
---- eit .... tunggu dulu ... lek gawe jeneng jgn asal ... engko sanuk-e gawe jeneng AP utama wae = "google.com" ... wakakakaka .... jadi setiap ketik google.com jd masuk AP .... busyet dah .... cari nama yg g umum di pakek aja .... misalkan AP utama = "paidjo.stres" ... dll dll dll ......
pisss gan .... semoga bermanfaat ....